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1 Book Monthly Subscription Envelope

The cheapest book subscription anywhere! Choose the genre you want from our most popular categories (Mystery, General Fiction, General Non-fiction, Action/Adventure, and Romance). You can log in to change your genre any time between shipments. We will choose a book at random from your selected genre and ship it to you monthly as long as you are a subscriber. It's a fun surprise every month. Yes, the book is yours to keep! Join or cancel online anytime.

2 Books Monthly Subscription Envelope

Simply choose the genres of books you like, and we will send 2 randomly-selected used books to you monthly as long as you are a subscriber. It's a fun surprise every month, and everyone gets different books. Yes, the books are yours to keep! Join or cancel online anytime.

4 Books Monthly Subscription Box

Simply choose the genres of books you like, and we will send 4 randomly-selected used books to you monthly as long as you are a subscriber. It's a fun surprise every month, and everyone gets different books. Yes, the books are yours to keep! Join or cancel online anytime.